January '20 Product Announcements

January '20 Product Announcements

Product Updates ·

Since our last product update, where we focused on Reminders, we wanted to start the new year with enhancements that provide convenience and better oversight. For the January 2020 product update, we are introducing the Global Search and Customer Detail Pages.

Global Search

Until this moment, finding Topics, Experiences, Customers has been a less convenient activity then what we wanted to provide you with. We have therefore been tracking and performance testing several ways of solving your search needs.

A part of the generic critical success factors (CFS) for providing search is search results accuracy and speed of delivery, coupled with results richness and presentation. We spent a good amount of time reviewing and tuning the search experience to maximise the overall solution. During this time we discovered that beyond the known CFS, the search feature is performing best when we consolidate all types of searchable indexes and archives. Instead of having dedicated search fields around the platform only focusing on one area at a time we have concluded that the best solution is to have a Global Search feature that serves all searchable articles.

Layerise Global Search

You can now access Search by clicking on the search in the navigation menu. The searchable articles currently supported are:

  • All types

  • Customers

  • Experiences

  • Products

  • Topics

Customer Detailed Pages

As an extension of our Global Search enhancement, where we made sure that Customers to searchable, as presented above, we also decided to spend time on enhancing the customer overview and management.

Layerise Search Customers

As evident to the image above, you will now be able to quickly and easily find customers by searching on:

  • First name e.g.: Peter

  • Last name e.g.: Thomson

  • Phone number e.g.. 004721343211

  • Email e.g.: peter.thomson47@gmail.com

  • Country e.g.: Finland

Moreover, while you now can locate your customers based on the search query and search result richness as customer avatar or product tags, you now have the ability to also get full customer overview. Clicking on a specific customer in the search results will provide in-depth Customer Detail Page.

Layerise Customer Detail

The Customer Detail Page will show several key pieces of information aiming at giving you the best possible insights of the customer. Not only is the page going to present all the known identification data that the customer has decided to share with you it will also allow you to get an understanding of what products and how many product registrations the customer has including the unique serial number identifier. In addition to this, you will be able to get a time-line overview of the customer key interaction including:

  • Customer signup date

  • Customer product registration date

  • Customer assistant engagement date

Finally, with the Detail Customer Page, we are also introducing the ability for you to reach out to your customers directly. Thus far, you have only been able to communicate with your customers if the customer reaches out to you with a question or a problem. We are changing that. In more detail, you will be able to send messages directly to the customer through your active Product Assistants.

Release date

We will be rolling out this release today Friday the 31st of January 2020. All features, excluding the direct messaging to the customer, will be available for Free and Paid plans. As always, if you have any questions or need help, please reach out.