Creating Opportunities With New D2C Sales Channels

Creating Opportunities With New D2C Sales Channels

Customer experience ·

The establishment of direct relationships with customers has become an urgent necessity for brands to remain competitive in the market. As the world of commerce continues to evolve, it has become increasingly important for brands to establish direct relationships with their customers. This is especially true when it comes to remaining competitive in a crowded marketplace. Building and maintaining these relationships is no easy task, however, as it requires a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences, along with the ability to provide a personalized experience that meets and exceeds their expectations. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of direct relationships between brands and customers, and offer tips for how to make them successful.

Improve customer experience through D2C sales channels

Recent research has found that brands that invest in customer experience outperform those that don't, with an impressive 43% increase in performance above industry standards. This is no surprise, as customer experience is becoming increasingly important to the success of a business.

Direct-to-customer (D2C) sales channels represent a way for businesses to engage with customers and enhance their overall experience. With D2C channels, businesses are able to establish a direct connection with their customers, allowing for personalised interactions, better communication, and seamless transactions. This in turn leads to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction, as customers feel more connected and valued.

Additionally, D2C sales channels make it easier for businesses to provide better customer service, as they can respond quickly to customer inquiries and provide tailored support. On top of that, businesses can leverage data collected from D2C sales channels to make better decisions and develop more effective customer strategies. By investing in D2C sales channels, businesses can ensure they are providing customers with the best possible experience.






Benefits of D2C sales channels

Direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales channels, such as social media, branded mobile apps, personal accounts on the brand website etc., offer several advantages compared to traditional retailers. Here's a few ones:

First, D2C sales channels enable businesses to establish direct relationships with their customers, creating a more personalised experience. By engaging directly with customers, businesses can better understand their needs and preferences and provide a tailored experience. Additionally, D2C channels provide businesses with greater control over their customer experiences, allowing them to adjust and optimise their offerings in real time.

Second, D2C sales channels offer a cost-effective way to market and sell products or services because businesses don't have to pay the overhead costs that come with traditional retail. Furthermore, businesses can easily scale their operations up or down depending on their needs, without having to invest in additional infrastructure or personnel.

Finally, D2C sales channels provide businesses with access to valuable customer data, which can be used to improve customer experience and optimise product offerings. By collecting customer data and using it to inform their decisions, businesses can further increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall success of their business.

In conclusion, investing in D2C sales channels is an effective way for businesses to improve customer experience and reap the rewards of increased customer loyalty and satisfaction. By leveraging the advantages of D2C channels, businesses can ensure they are providing customers with the best possible experience and remain competitive in the marketplace.

The power of customer and product registration

At the time of registration, customers are most enthusiastic and willing to learn more about the product they recently purchased. This is often an overlooked opportunity by many brands due to the lack of available channels. However, this is an ideal time to engage customers, as they are eager to know more about their new product, whether it be an appliance or something else.

Layerise has demonstrated that the registration event represents a prime opportunity for product experience activities such as onboarding and self-service. It is also during this phase that the registration event provides a chance for selling services, protection plans, and accessories.

The registration event offers an ideal moment to deepen customer understanding, allowing you to acquire information about your customers through the product ownership-process without relying on any outside data sources.

This is one of the most powerful advantages of having a customer and product registration process: being able to capture data that offers real value to your company. By leveraging this data, you can create bespoke experiences for each customer and build long-lasting customer relationships.

D2C channels enhance customer experience

D2C channels offer a great opportunity for businesses to improve customer experience and increase customer loyalty. By providing an easy and convenient way for customers to purchase products and engage with the brand, businesses can ensure that customers have a positive and enjoyable experience. Additionally, D2C channels provide businesses with a cost-efficient way to reach customers without needing to rely on brick-and-mortar stores or third-party online distributors, more and more companies are turning to Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) sales channels to reach their customers. Through these channels, companies can collect data about customers to improve their strategy and offer an even more advanced customer experience.

D2C sales channels open up a world of possibilities for companies looking to expand their reach. With the right platform, companies can easily create their own online stores, promote their products, manage orders and track inventory. Additionally, companies have the opportunity to build relationships with their customers by providing personalized experiences and creating an engaging online presence. By utilizing these new sales channels, businesses can increase their revenue and reach a wider audience.

5 reasons why great customer experience is a win-win situation

1. Personalized experiences are tailored to the individual customer needs, interests and preferences.

More businesses are recognizing the opportunities offered by direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales, which allow them to create a more personal and tailored experience for their customers. This new way of selling and interacting with customers can be a huge benefit, allowing businesses to gain better insight into their customers’ preferences, build long-term relationships, and create a more engaging and profitable shopping experience.

2. Personalized experiences save customers time and effort by providing them with tailored information that are most relevant to them.

Customers can benefit from tailored experiences that give them information which is specific to them, which can save them time and energy. For example, a website could recommend products based on a customer's browsing history, allowing them to easily find the items they are looking for. Similarly, an email could contain articles related to a customer's interests, giving them the convenience of having all the necessary information in one place.

3. Personalized experiences create a sense of trust and loyalty among customers.

When businesses take the time to get to know their customers and provide tailored experiences, customers feel valued and appreciated. This builds trust and loyalty, as customers are made to feel like they are cared for and their needs are being taken into consideration. Additionally, personalized experiences can lead to higher customer satisfaction and engagement, which can result in more conversions and an increase in business profits.

4. Personalized experiences can lead to increased sales for brands.

Personalization goes beyond simply adding a customer’s name to an email — it’s about leveraging data to offer customers a tailored experience that resonates with them on a personal level. By understanding their customers’ preferences, brands can create a highly tailored experience that speaks directly to each individual, thus increasing the likelihood that customers will make repeat purchases.

5. Personalized experiences allow brands to understand customers' needs, preferences and behaviour.

By providing personalized experiences, brands can gain valuable insight into their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. This data can help businesses better understand the customer journey and how customers interact with their brand.

Additionally, understanding customers’ needs and preferences helps brands to develop more effective marketing campaigns and strategies, ensuring that they are reaching their target audience in the most effective way possible.


In conclusion, D2C channels are an essential part of creating successful personalized experiences. By understanding their customers’ needs, preferences, and behavior, businesses are able to tailor their offerings to provide a convenient and tailored experience that resonates with customers on a personal level. This can result in increased sales, loyalty and trust, and ultimately, higher customer satisfaction.